Feirenses in the world
Santa Maria da Feira has a very significant community living abroad, with whom we want to maintain and deepen our affective relationships, and who have shown the willingness and ability to support the municipality's economic development process.
BizFeira supports the promotion of these links with our people scattered around the world and to "Casas da Vila da Feira", thus enhancing knowledge about our companies in the markets where they operate, promoting business and attracting investments to the municipality.

Citizens from Feira and the rest of Portugal who live abroad and stand out in the context of their host societies and economies in areas such as culture, education, economics and social intervention, are invited to join the Bizfeira network.
Programa Embaixadorias, promoted by Bizfeira, also promotes visits by foreign ambassadors in Portugal to divulge the resources and economic potential installed in the municipality, seeking to explore the opportunity for collaboration in the economic, scientific, technological, social and cultural fields.