26 Jun 2019


The Government postponed to the end of June the deadline for the entities to submit to the legal regime of the Central Registry of the Effective Beneficiary ("RCBE”) to identify the respective effective beneficiaries, who may be: singular people who hold, indirectly or through third parties, the ownership of the social participations or, in any other way, the effective control of the entity. In a statement, the Ministry of Justice, which receives the registration system, explains that the postponement is due to the lack of knowledge of the new obligation that is complied from this year on. Also noting that this deadline extension has arisen from the fact that the introduction of this declarative obligation has implied a new legislation with a non-negligible degree of legal complexity and that the legislative changes in cause lead to a change in the conduct of the declarants, assuming that many will still be unaware of the obligations to which they are subject and all the procedures  they must adopt. 

Furthermore, we remind you that until next June 30 you should deliver the initial declaration, in which it will be included the identification of the effective beneficiaries, the owners of the social capital, the managers, the administrators, as well as other relevant information, being the respective form models necessary to comply with this declaration available at the justice area portal: https://rcbe.justica.gov.pt/.

Note: We remind you that this subject has already been approached in March 2019, in a informative note, which can be accessed at http://www.bizfeira.com/pt/empresas-institucional/dossies/.
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