Esteriplas – Produtos para a Área da Saúde, Lda.

Esteriplas is a Portuguese company of private capital, situated in the North of the country, in Santa Maria da Feira. Established since 1988, the Esteriplas grew and shows a great deal of experience in the development, manufacture and distribution of a wide range of hospital products, laboratory, hygiene and safety. Esteriplas has implemented a quality system which implies a continuous improvement, always with a focus on pró-ação.

Has a young team, very well trained and oriented, able to respond to all customer requirements with quality and safety.

Esteriplas created the Toplabs catalog that includes quality and innovative products as the solution of glucose, ZeroDNA, Mycoplasmafree, TopStar TOPwater, ANAPAT formaldehyde and xylene, Alkaline and neutral TOPclean, Ethygel and recently TopLactine. Sterilization by Ethylene oxide is one of the services that can be used to suit almost every specific needs within this area.
Rua 1º Maio, nº 125 – Zona Industrial do Roligo
4520-115 Espargo
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